
Episode #618
original air date: 7/17/2003

"Horse Hung Harry" written by Edmund O'Brien, directed by ??

Dana tells Jillian that Harry is huge, and Kevin overhears them. He tells Harry that Dana is willing to try it out, but it's not his package that is stopping him, it's is confidence. So they head back to Dana and Jillian where they are having some discussion on fruit and vegetables. Dana tells Harry that she knows how big he is, and Harry relieved. Harry tells Dana that he makes this raddish look like a pickle, and she gets really nervous and leaves.

"Animal Love" written by Erin Ploss, directed by ??

Saddie, Murray's roommate puts down Brianne after seeing her, telling that Murray is a good guy, and that she should atleast give it a try, since he did the whole furvert thing for her. Murray is surprised to see Brianne wearing latex underwear after showing up at his apartment. She then gives him a pair of latex underwear saying it's only fair. They had back to her apartment, where she puts on the squirel tail and ears. He then goes back and reemerges with the panda costume, wearing the latex outside his suit. They then have sex, and Murray suggests to try regular squirel and panda sex.

[This segment ends.]

"There's Always Room For Jealousy" written by Swith Bell, directed by ??

Max gets upset when Becca "hits" on Clint. Libby then tells Becca to hit on girls and see if Max gets upset. She then hits on Kylie and Max gets upset and he tells her that whatever she is doing is stupid and leaves. Kylie then tells Libby to leave, and Becca is surprised when Kylie hits on her back, without knowing that this just to make Max jealous.
