Savin' Up for Saturday Night

Dramatis Personae

Born in the tiny town of Ready, Kentucky and never left, Eldridge is a wannabe country rock star who fronts the band at his daddy's old honky-tonk.

LUCINDA MORALES - 20s to 30s
Eldridge's ex-wife and high school sweetheart. When the two were married, she used to be his partner-in-song, but now she has to settle for being a regular customer at the honky-tonk, where she is still the best dancer in the place. She drops by every Saturday to flirt with all the guys and make sure Eldridge don't forget what he's missing.

"DOC" WINGHAM - 20s to 30s
Eldridge's lifelong best friend and bartender. He's the guy everyone in town comes to for advice and a drink to cry in. Doc has a permanent limp from a drunk driving accident in high school. Eldridge was driving.

A sweet young thing who waits tables at the honky-tonk. Her dream is to sing with Eldridge in the Saturday show. And she'll sleep with anyone who stands in her way.
