var Root // NOTE: this file is in use on SCRIPTS/READ.HTM if I want to see how the Javascript should look // NOTE: Ive added ROOT to LinkTo, LinkToScripts & LinkToPlayScript, but not to ANY OTHER functions just yet. I want to make sure its working. document.write("") // accesses LIBRARY.TXT database - list of plays document.write("") // accesses THEATRES.TXT database - list of theatres function LinkTo(CodeSought) { // creates link to the HOMEPAGE of a play pointer="" for (var loop = 0; loop <= Library.length-1; loop++) { if (Library[loop].code == CodeSought) {pointer = loop} } if (pointer) { document.write("") } document.write(Library[pointer].title+"") } function LinkToScripts(CodeSought) { // creates link to the SCRIPTS/SC page OR ONLINE SCRIPT of a play pointer="" for (var loop = 0; loop <= Library.length-1; loop++) { if (Library[loop].code == CodeSought) {pointer = loop} } if (pointer) { document.write("") } document.write(Library[pointer].title+"") } function LinkToText(CodeSought) { // creates link to the SCRIPTS/SC page OR ONLINE SCRIPT of a play pointer="" for (var loop = 0; loop <= Library.length-1; loop++) { if (Library[loop].code == CodeSought) {pointer = loop} } if (pointer) { document.write("") } document.write(Library[pointer].title+"") } function HREFonly(CodeSought) { // creates JUST the HREF=URL (in case I want a link with a different name than the play*s title pointer="" for (var loop = 0; loop <= Library.length-1; loop++) { if (Library[loop].code == CodeSought) {pointer = loop} } if (pointer) { document.write("") } } function HREFonlyScripts(CodeSought) { // creates JUST the HREF=URL (in case I want a link with a different name than the play*s title pointer="" for (var loop = 0; loop <= Library.length-1; loop++) { if (Library[loop].code == CodeSought) {pointer = loop} } if (pointer) { document.write("") } } function HREFonlyShop(CodeSought) { // LIBRARY2.SHOP: creates JUST the HREF=URL (in case I want a link with a different name than the play*s title) pointer="" for (var loop = 0; loop <= Library2.length-1; loop++) { if (Library2[loop].code == CodeSought) {pointer = loop} } if (pointer) { document.write("") } } function HREFonlyText(CodeSought) { // creates JUST the HREF=URL (in case I want a link with a different name than the play*s title pointer="" for (var loop = 0; loop <= Library.length-1; loop++) { if (Library[loop].code == CodeSought) {pointer = loop} } if (pointer) { document.write("") } } // LinkToPlayScript is obsolete - use LinkToScripts above OR LinkToText function LinkToPlayScript(CodeSought) { pointer="" for (var loop = 0; loop <= Library.length-1; loop++) { if (Library[loop].code == CodeSought) {pointer = loop} } if (pointer) { document.write("") } document.write(Library[pointer].title+"") } // FUNCTIONS below this mark do NOT have the ROOT variable incorporated: function LinkToTheatre(CodeSought) { PointAtTheatre(CodeSought) document.write(""+Theatres[pointer].name+"") } function AnchorToTheatre(CodeSought) { PointAtTheatre(CodeSought) document.write("") } function LogoToTheatre(CodeSought) { PointAtTheatre(CodeSought) document.write("") } function ShopURL(CodeSought) { // creates JUST the URL to an external site - for example the publisher page for a play pointer="" for (var loop = 0; loop <= Library2.length-1; loop++) { if (Library2[loop].code == CodeSought) {pointer = loop} } if (pointer) { document.write(Library2[pointer].shop) } }